


New Digital Culture & Analytics Curriculum Courses

Courses in Development (Coming Soon!)

Guides and Statements

There are some things all participants in a course I lead/facilitate need, or want, to know:

Texts & TEI

There are a number of texts which are regularly useful:

There are also a couple of TEI files: a template and an example.

About These Materials

This site is designed to be available to course participants and interested others without having to negotiate LMS logins, or outages. It is built using Jekyll and is hosted in a GitHub repository.

While I try to make as much as possible available publicly, both for students in my courses as well as to interested others, some course materials must remain behind the university paywall (aka Moodle) due to copyright restrictions. (I take fair use seriously.) If you are a visiting student or scholar and would like access to those materials, please get in touch with me.

As I note elsewhere, this [site][] replaces an older WordPress blog which I maintained for over a decade and a half. I would like to thank the good folks at WordPress/Ottomatic for creating powerful software that is also open source.

As much as possible, most things on this site are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Code (CC BY-SA 4.0).