In general, it’s not a bad idea to start with the Alliance for Digital Humanities Organization. In addition to making an on-line version of one of our texts available, they also offer a Companion to Digital Literary Studies and a number of other publications and resources. As you can probably imagine, a lot of resources for the digital humanities are indeed digital and they are on-line. That does not necessarily mean that they are well-organized and that there isn’t redundancy and overlap. In an ideal world, perhaps one could search through everything at once, but that moment has not yet arrived. And so, here in somewhat piecemeal fashion but enumerated into a list which makes it all look much better, is a tentative list of what may be considered some of the significant resources in this field:

Have digital humanities questions? Then you need Digital Humanities Answers:

The goal of DH Answers is to create a friendly and inviting space where people can help each other with questions about languages, tools, standards, best practices, pedagogy, and all things related to scholarly activity in the digital humanities (broadly defined). No question is too small, or too simple, or, for that matter, too broad or difficult. The community will answer your question, or help narrow the focus, or simply add to the community knowledgebase. After all, sometimes a question needs more space than a medium like Twitter might offer, and is a little more specific (or basic!) than one might feel comfortable posting on Humanist or specialist mailing lists.

They are also on Twitter.