Institutional Repository circa 2010
09 Sep 2024
Back around 2008 I became interested in establishing an institutional repository for the university where I worked. By 2010, having spoken to a wide variety of stakeholders both within and without the university, I had a pretty good draft of what I thought was possible. It’s been passed around ever since, but we never got a repository.
And here’s the opening paragraphs:
The modern research and teaching university must emphasize that it both creates knowledge that it disseminates directly through diverse channels and that it teaches others how to create knowledge. An institutional repository is foundational in any effort to highlight the university’s centrality in knowledge creation. The institutional repository is where we collect the raw materials that drive research, publish analysis and results, and open the institutional doors to higher education’s many publics.
In the last year, a variety of developments have greatly increased the interest in establishing frameworks for securing data and making it available in a highly configurable fashion. As various units became aware that there was a common interest, it became clear that the best way forward was to arrive at a common set of requirements that would lead to a widely-available resource that would suit the greatest number of users.
You can go back to the logbook or dive into the archive. Choose your own adventure!